What Was The Main Concern With The First Draft Of The
Question: What was the main concern with the first draft of the articles of confederationThe main concern with John Dickerson's first draft of the articles of confederation is that it made the federal/central government weak and incapable of enforcing significant laws; this was possible because the first draft put too much authority and power in the hands of state governments.Dickinson's draft of the Articles of Confederation named the new country "the United States of America." It also provided for a Congress with representation based on population, and gave to the national government all powers not designated to the states. After considerable debate and alteration, Congress adopted the Articles of ConfederationThe main concern with John Dickerson's first draft of the articles of confederation is that it made the federal/central government weak and incapable of enforcing significant laws; this was possible because the first draft put too much authority and power in the hands of state governments.What is the main concern is the first draft of the article confederation. Answers: 2 Get Other questions on the subject: History What is the main concern is the first draft of the article confederation... Questions in other subjects: Business, 23.10.2019 04:30.
what was the main concern with john dickerson's first
what was the main concern with the first draft of the articles of c... 223 Views. main concern with first draft of articles of conferedation . what was the main concern with the first draft of the articles of confederation? To see more answers head over to College Study Guides. Virtual Teaching Assistant: Colleen R. Question Level: BasicRatified on March 1, 1781, the Articles of Confederation served as the United States' first constitution. This guide provides access to digital materials at the Library of Congress, links to related external websites, and a selected print bibliography.What was the main concern with John Dickensons first draft of the articles of confederation. The main concern with the first draft of the Articles of Confederation was: Too much power in the state governmentsThe Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union was an agreement among the 13 original states of the United States of America that served as its first constitution. It was approved after much debate (between July 1776 and November 1777) by the Second Continental Congress on November 15, 1777 and sent to the states for ratification.The Articles of Confederation came into force on March 1

Articles of Confederation - World Digital Library
What was the main concern with the first draft of the articles of confederation? A.too little power for the courts B.too much power in the state governments C.A small legislature D.too much power in the central governmentwhat was the main concern with john dickenson's first draft of the articles of confederation? too little power for the courts a too small legislature too much power in the central government too much power the state governmentsThere were certain provisions that were not included in the first draft. These include protecting minority groups, religious dissidents and Native Americans. It also calls for a strong central government that would defend the rights of the people. They were not included and the initial constitution proved to be weak and eventually replaced.The answer is A, too much power in the central government. America had just experienced the rule of a tyrannical leader. They were afraid that if they gave the central government too much power, then they would end up going through the same problems again.First draft of Constitution debated In Philadelphia, delegates to the Constitutional Convention begin debating the first complete draft of the proposed Constitution of the United States.
Laryssa S.
asked 10/16/191 Expert Answer
Edwin E. answered 10/28/19
New to WyzantEffective Science Educator with a Track Record of Success.
The main concern was that the Articles of Confederation granted too much power to the state governments.
When the Articles of Confederation were penned by Joh Dickinson, the signing of the Declaration of Independence had made it necessary for states to establish a centralized authority.
Two key issues:
Representation - Originally there was the idea of proportional representation vs. a set number of representatives. This would have given certain states more voting power due to having more representatives than other smaller states. A weak centralized government was an issue for the fledgling country, with no uniform currency, the inability to regulate trade, levy taxes, and impose tariffs. This meant that many individual states had their own currencies which valued differently than others. (e.i. a dollar in Virginia was treated as 50 cents in Maryland).Still looking for help? Get the right answer, fast.
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