Print A&p 2 Test 4 Digestive System Flashcards | Easy
Which of the following constitute a portal triad? the porta hepatis. the hepatic artery and two hepatic veins. a bile duct along with a portal venule and arteriole. three lobules sharing a common central vein. a bile duct along with a portal venule and arteriole. 16.The portal triad is an area at the liver named after its triangular shape and its three major components: the hepatic artery, the hepatic portal vein, and the hepatic ducts, or bile ducts. The term, however, can be considered a misnomer, since it contains other structures as well.Konnie H. Plumlee DVM, MS, Dipl ABVT, ACVIM, in Clinical Veterinary Toxicology, 2004 Acinar model. The hepatic acinar unit model is based on an individual portal triad with the acinar unit formed by the portal venule and hepatic artery bridging to the next portal triad by the penetrating venules. 2 The acinar unit is composed of three zones. Zone 1 region consists of hepatocytes that areBranches of the portal vein, hepatic artery, and the biliary ducts bound together in the perivascular fibrous capsule or portal tract as they ramify within the substance of the liver. Synonym (s): triad (3). Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Interlobular vessels connect the portal triads and sinusoids, transporting the blood into the latter. The hepatic sinusoids have a discontinuous epithelium due to the presence of fenestrae and gaps between endothelial cells and constitute a low-resistance vascular channel. A basement membrane is also absent.
What Is a Portal Triad? (with pictures) - Info Bloom
Which Of The Following Constitute A Portal Triad?Three Lobules Sharing A Common Central VeinThe... Question: Which Of The Following Constitute A Portal Triad?Three Lobules Sharing A Common Central VeinThe Hepatic Artery And Two Hepatic VeinsA Bile Duct Along With A Portal Venule And ArterioleThe Porta Hepatis This problem has been solved!The three components together (portal vein, hepatic artery, bile duct) constitute a portal triad. Look for good examples of portal canals where all three components are seen well. Keep in mind that these structures twist and turn so there may be more than one cross section of a bile duct, artery, or vein, so it's not always a "triad" ofWhich of the following constitute a portal triad? A. the porta hepatis B. a bile duct along with a portal venule and arteriole C. the hepatic artery and two hepatic veins D. three lobules sharing a common central vein. a bile duct along with a portal venule and arteriole.A nuclear triad is a three-pronged military force structure that consists of land-launched nuclear missiles, nuclear-missile-armed submarines, and strategic aircraft with nuclear bombs and missiles. Specifically, these components are land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and strategic bombers.
Portal Triad - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Which of the following constitute a portal triad? a bile duct along with a portal venule and arteriole. Which of the following best describes the capillary wall structure found in the liver lobules? The capillary walls have openings that allow large proteins and small cells to pass through.Learn and reinforce your understanding of Cirrhosis through video. Cirrhosis is a condition due to diffuse bridging fibrosis and regenerative nodules that disrupt the normal architecture and function of the liver - Osmosis is an efficient, enjoyable, and social way to learn. Sign up for an account today! Don't study it, Osmose it.Which of the following groups of structures constitute a portal triad at each corner of a liver lobule? [Learning Outcome: 16-6, Level 2] hepatic vein, hepatic portal artery, bile ductWhich of the following constitute a portal triad? a. three lobules sharing a common central vein b. the porta hepatis c. a bile duct along with a portal venule and arteriole d. the hepatic artery and two hepatic veinsThe Piedmont Triad (or simply the Triad) is a north-central region: Greensboro, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and High Point.This close group of cities lies in the Piedmont geographical region of the United States and forms the basis of the Greensboro-Winston-Salem-High Point Combined Statistical Area.As of 2012, the Piedmont Triad has an estimated population of 1,611,243 making it the
Portal Triad Portal Triad Portal triads are composed of three major tubes. Branches of the hepatic artery carry oxygenated blood to the hepatocytes, while branches of the portal vein carry blood with nutrients from the small intestine. The bile duct carries bile products away from the hepatocytes, to the larger ducts and gall bladder. Given that the portal vein carries mostly deoxygenated blood, what do the relative sizes of the portal vein and hepatic artery suggest about oxygen levels in the liver? Answer: The portal vein is larger, suggesting that the blood in the liver is mostly poorly oxygenated. The blood in this vein has already been through the GI tract. The blood in the smaller hepatic artery is better oxygenated. Hide Labels
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