C++ Comments

Comments are portions of the code ignored by the compiler which allow the user to make simple notes in the relevant areas of the source code. Comments come either in block form or as single lines. Single-line comments (informally, C++ style), start with // and continue until the end of the line.Code comments are extremely useful in documenting your code or for the purpose of leaving clues to your self or your potential colleagues on how stuff works. As an added benefit, they're great when you...Comments can be used to explain C# code, and to make it more readable. It can also be used to prevent execution when testing alternative code. Single-line comments start with two forward...Comments in C Programming are to provide a piece of information about the code. A comment can helps the other programmers to understand the program flow. In C Programming Language, there are...Get code examples like "c comment" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension.

Code Comments - The complete C# tutorial

Comment code is only visible at the part of programming side while run the program the comment code invisible at output side. Two ways we can comment code in ASP.Net. Single Line Comments.Program comments are explanatory statements that you can include in the C++ code. These comments help anyone reading the source code. All programming languages allow for some form of...Comments can appear anywhere a white-space character is allowed. Since the compiler treats a comment as a single white-space character, you cannot include comments within tokens.A comment is a set of characters that is used to document the code. A C comment starts with a All comments in the program are ignored by the compiler. The following example demonstrates how to...

Code Comments - The complete C# tutorial

C# Comments

A comment is a programmer-readable note that is inserted directly into the source code of the Comments are ignored by the compiler and are for the programmer's use only. In C++ there are two...Comments can be used to document what the program does and what specific blocks or lines of code do. Since the C# compiler ignores comments, you can include them anywhere in a program without...Comments are important part of C++ language. You should learn to write comments from the beginning, because it's a good habit for a programmer. Let's take a look on the Hello World program.What Is Comment In C Language? A comment is an explanation or description of the source code of the program. It helps a developer explain logic of the code and improves program readability.In this tutorial, we will learn about C++ comments, why we use them, and how to use them with the C++ comments are hints that a programmer can add to make their code easier to read and understand.


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Program comments are explanatory statements that you can include in the C++ code. These comments help anyone reading the source code. All programming languages allow for some form of comments.

C++ supports single-line and multi-line comments. All characters available inside any comment are ignored by C++ compiler.

C++ comments start with /* and end with */. For example −

A comment can also start with //, extending to the end of the line. For example −

When the above code is compiled, it will ignore // prints Hello World and final executable will produce the following result −

Within a /* and */ comment, // characters have no special meaning. Within a // comment, /* and */ have no special meaning. Thus, you can "nest" one kind of comment within the other kind. For example −

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