Arousal, Stress And Anxiety - Factors That Influence

He is constantly at a heightened level of arousal which if unchecked can lead to stress, anxiety and panic. Even at rest his muscles often tense up and his pH balance can become acidic which can lead to injury.However, too much arousal can lead to anxiety and poor performance. For each athlete, within the Inverted U theory, there is a "Goldilocks zone" − the perfect amount of arousal leading to maximum performance.In a telic state of mind, there is a negative association between arousal and affect as too much arousal usually makes telic individuals feel anxious (an illustration in a sport/exercise contextToo much stress= decrease in performance Can apply this theory to anything regarding challenges (cannot explain why some athletes "choke" under high arousal) it increases performance when cognitive anxiety is low, but may lead to a sudden (catastrophic) decline in performance when cognitive anxiety is relatively high.Too much arousal after the optimum point can lead to a sharp drop in performance (this is also known as the cliff edge) hence the name catastrophe theory. If the athletes arousal continues to increase after this sharp drop in performance, then the athletes performance will continue to decrease further if arousal levels increase.

The Athlete's Approach to Pain Management

Too much arousal in an athlete can lead to a. increased muscle tension and attention deficits, thus decreasing performance. b. decreased muscle tension and attention gains, thus increasing performance. c. a physical and mental state in which injury is impossible.A player's arousal is determined by their psychological processes, like their emotions and thoughts. Arousal has two effects on a player's performance, which is that it increases muscle tension and affects coordination. If the athlete has too much tension, it can be detrimental to their performance. Arousal also affects a player's attention.Too much arousal in an athlete can lead to increased muscle tension and attention deficits, thus decreasing performance.Too much arousal in an athlete can lead to: increased muscle tension and attention deficits, thus decreasing performance.

The Athlete's Approach to Pain Management

The Effects of Elevated Arousal and Mood on Maximal

In a game of rugby or football, higher arousal levels will lead to increased strength, power, and aggressiveness. On the other hand, shooting, gymnastics, and archery require lower levels of arousal. Many athletes and teams rely on sports psychologists to help them develop the mental skills needed for reaching peak performance.The more skill an athlete has developed, the _____ he or she can perform during states of less-than or greater-than optimal arousal Inverted U ________-_ theory states that arousal facilitates performance up to an optimal level, beyond which further increases in arousal are associated with reduced performanceFear of retaliation can inhibit aggression shown towards an opponent out of both fear andf respect. Players are often less likely to indulge in unsportsworthy play if they're likely to get exactly the same back in return. Aggression can lead to counter-aggression. Some individuals thrive off this challenge- Others choose to avoid it completely.Too much arousal in an athlete can lead to a. increased muscle tension and attention deficits, thus decreasing performance. b. decreased muscle tension and attention gains, thus increasing performance.Hull (1943) claims as arousal continues to increase, performance will also continue to improve. However, other researchers suggest that performance will begin to decrease if an athletes arousal increase too much (Fazey & Hardy, 1988). The most common alternative arousal theories to the drive theory are: The Inverted U Theory

Weegy: The best time of day to exercise is whenever a person feels is the best time to work out. User: The intensity of a workout refers to A. how strenuous the workout is. B. how many times per week a person exercises. C. how much sweat is lost during the workout. D. which type of activity a person does for exercise (More)

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